Tuesday, December 31, 2013

December Saving and Fundraising Progress

So every month, I'll post a little summary of how we did with fundraising and saving that month. I just want everyone who contributes to our adoption to see the progress we're making, and know that we are keeping track of EVERY penny! Here goes for December (and I think we did pretty good, considering that we haven't really broadcasted that we're adopting yet!)

Total cost of China adoption for Georgia residents: $28,700
Paid so far: $200 (our application fee)
Left to pay: $28,500 (yikes!)

Quilt donations: $65
Fantasy Football earnings: $140 (thanks, Peyton!) :)
Stella & Dot earnings in December: $329.85
Savings account for Mei Mei: $1,600.79

So we have $26,364.36 to go!

It sounds like a lot, but we're only one month in!

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Christmas Eve Eve, 2013

We're marking December 23, 2013 as Day 1 of our adoption journey! That's the day we submitted our Application for China Adoption on the website of our agency, CCAI! Thanks to close family friends who just went through the adoption process this year, picking an agency was the easy part because they had such a great experience. If you want to know more about our agency, just visit their website: CCAI
Nick and I are pretty excited to finally be able to submit our application (and yes, I realize that we need to get used to waiting!), because we had to clear two hurdles just to get to this tiny milestone! 1) Nick made some not-so-smart decisions (like forgetting to make the last payment on a ticket that led to his arrest!) that we had to get official court documents for (that's my bad boy haha!) and 2) our house in Texas needed to be sold for us to get the net worth that China requires of adoptive parents (and that was a HUGE load off that had been a long time coming anyway!)
So here we go, Christmas Eve Eve 2013 marks the beginning of a new chapter in the life of the Hoffmanns! We're hoping that we'll have our little girl home before Christmas of next year! Can you imagine?? :)